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The blog will be quiet for a while.
We have now moved to France and are in the process of sorting things out. We will try to be connected as soon as possible and will be in touch when this happens. In the meantime, I will try to pop into Macdonald’s from time to time to keep you updated. They have free wifi, and cheap coffee there.
Final Sunday
Today was our last Sunday at the Heath Evangelical Church. It is a bit sad to leave all our good friends behind, and we really felt the love of the people today as they came to say goodbye. We will the fellowship. But we will be in touch, and it will remain our church, as Heath Evangelical Church is our sending church.
We had a blessed day, and were invited out for lunch.
Tomorrow, the lorry is coming at 8 am, and a goood number of people have told us they were coming to help. So hopefully, the lorry will be on its way before the end of the morning, and the cleaning will be quickly done. Our ferry is at 8.30 pm in Portsmouth, so we have plenty of time before leaving.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-08-08
- Just a few more days before the big move. What have we forgotten to do? #
- Front Page – Post-Reformation Digital Library – LibGuides at Calvin College http://libguides.calvin.edu/prdl #
- Going out for a run, making the most of the fact that the kids are in Dan yr ogof with their mum and some friends. #
- 4 days to go before moving to Brittany. Thanks for yout prayers. #
- @gethin_aj No, it isn't, we've done that and I've seen some friends there once who had done the same. in reply to gethin_aj #
- To packing there is no end. #
- RT @davidpmurray Pastors, please take a break http://post.ly/q0iT #
- No cooking today. The kids had chips and are now in bed. The parents are having curry. #
- On the way to the shop, a man was lying on the floor, people were trying to ressucitate him and get his heart to restart. Life is short. #
- 7 days to go before moving out. #
- Incredible read: Temporary marriage | Cranach: The Blog of Veith http://www.geneveith.com/temporary-marriage/_6023/ #
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Should Christians watch Movies? Dr David R Murray
I usually try to listen to a short sermon when I go for a run. Today I ran for about 45 min, just enough time to listen to the following sermon. It is thought provoking and challenging, full of hard truth. It does make me think. What do you think?
Google Wave is no more
I’ve read in several places that Google is stopping development on Google wave. See for example this article on the BBC website: Google drops Wave because of lack of users.
That’s a pity. I had only just started exploring this exciting new platform. I had thought it could be used by the French UFM team in order to collaborate on various ministry ideas and projects. The different teams are quite distant and it could have been a good tool.
But we still have our monthly Skype meetings to keep up to date with each other.