How (And How Not) To Use Facebook for Ministry | Challies Dot Com

Tim Challies of has written a thought provoking article on Using facebook for ministry. He says: “Facebook. In so many areas of life it’s no longer an if, no longer an option.” It is a must read: How (And How Not) To Use Facebook for Ministry | Challies Dot Com.

First service

Today was our third Sunday in EPEG (Eglise Protestante Evangelique de Guingamp), and my first opportunity to lead a service and preach. In the middle of the week, the church in Lannion asked if Emmanuel Hartiel could help for that Sunday. Since I was available, we agreed that he would go, and that I would lead the service here.

It went well, thank to your prayers. We had a few visitors. One of them was one of the pastors of the Gypsy church. A very interesting man, who obviously fear the Lord. I am looking forward to meet him again, and speak about the work of the Lord amongst Gypsies in France. An other visitor was our neighbour’s son, who usually goes to Lannion, and finally, a young woman from Paris who is visiting some family in the area.

I preached on Psalm 1. The subject was: true happiness is not found in conformity to the world, but in conformity to the Word of God. Here is a brief outline:

  1. Le secret de l’homme heureux/bénis (the blessed man’s secret).
  2. Les bénédictions du juste (the blessings of the righteouss.
  3. Le sort des méchants (the end of the wicked)

Next preaching opportunity is next week, and I hope to preach on Psalm 2.