Jean-Baptiste’s birthday party

On Wednesday, Jean-Baptiste will be 5. To be honest, I am not a big fan of parties. Especially when I have to organise them. I am rather of the boring kind who just enjoy sitting down with a coffee and chat for hours. As a consequence, we had not put much thought into organising a party for him, but last week our friends Alessio and Katy kindly offered us to use their garden if we wanted to do something for him.

So we did prganise something. We invited a handful of friends from school and church at the last minute and had a simple birthday party in their garden, with a couple of games and a few magic tricks by Alessio. It was great, and relaxed, the weather was hot and sunny. The children seemed to enjoy themselves running around and jumping on the trampoline. I even enjoyed myself, chatting and playing around with the kids.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-18

  • moving dust around. #
  • I am not a student but there are some good tips here: Preparing for College: Tech Essentials for Your First Year #
  • Today is my last day in Costco. #
  • My friend Alan Has some interesting thoughts on using facebook as Christians: #
  • @asober what's a secondment? and What does NGfL stand for? in reply to asober #
  • That's why I love Linux Resetting Gnome's Settings in Ubuntu: #
  • What Caffeine Actually Does to Your Brain: #
  • Check out 'Virtual Friendship' from Ligonier Ministries #
  • Overwhelmed by people's support and kindness in the commissioning Service tonight. #
  • Very much loking forward to the commissionig service tonight. #

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Last deputation meeting

Last night was our last deputation meeting. Esther was speaking to the ladies of the Welsh Evangelical Church, and I was in St Mellons Baptist Church while the children were being looked after by a friend. It has been a real privilege and blessing to meet so many Christians over the year. I have always felt welcomed, and people have shown a real interest in the work of the gospel in Brittany.

I have travelled from the very north of the British Isles, visiting Shetland, to not quite the very south, stopping at Clevedon. In Wales, I have traveled from North to South and East to West, but not speaking in Mid-wales this time. Next time, I’ll try to start in Cornwall or Plymouth, and travel all the way to Muckle Flugga.

I’ll have to work out how many miles I have travelled, that would be interesting. I might post a list of all the churches I have spoken in as well, that would be interesting.

Last shift in Costco

Today was my last shift in Cotsco. Two years ago exactly, I was attending a recruitment meeting in Ninian park. Following that, I join the demonstrating team there. It has been a good experience. I have met some very interesting characters, most of who I would never have met otherwise. I cant’ say I’ll miss the job itself, although some aspects of it are interesting and challenging. But I’ll definitely miss the people I worked with, the Costco staff, and some of the members (costco does not have customers but members). Some were very sweet, wishing me well for the future. I tried to see as many as possible, but that’s not possible.

I am now looking forward to the first Costco opening in France. Not to go and work there, but to go and shop there.