Why football fans should put us to shame.

Marseille is over 700 Miles from Guingamp, yet, many fans have made the trip for the game today. One of the Costco staff in Cardiff used to travel to Manchester regularly to support his team and would come back in the night to be back in work the next morning.

And we find it difficult to get up on Sunday morning, go out again in the evening, and get to the midweek meeting. We also find it difficult to part of our money for the Lord’s work.

These people don’t have any problems to travel or spend money (sometimes a lot of it) to support their favourite team.

There is something seriously wrong with us Christians. Isn’t the living God worth it all?

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-24

  • Trying out Delicious Library 2.5, scanning books with the webcam, love it. #
  • Latest on the situation in Guingamp: //www.ouest-france.fr/r.php?d=1559088&c=40798 #
  • Un aricle interessant sur le travail de la police dans les manifs http://www.rue89.com/node/172474 #
  • Just opened a bank account locally, no problems, but it took about one hour. #
  • No problem to get Diesel in Carrefour, no queues. #
  • http://libe.fr/c/01012297398-c : Depardieu coincé dans la manifestation pour les retraites #
  • working on a translation on the Christian's social responsibility by D . Prime (from Bible Answers). #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-17

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-10

  • La boule à zéro, ou presque, j'ai quand même gardé quelques cheveux. #
  • Those who say the Institutes are boring have obviously not read them. #
  • Off to the market soon. #
  • @alandavey I didn't know you played the bass guitar as well. in reply to alandavey #
  • Our latest update is available here: http://tinyurl.com/2e66wxl (pdf document) #
  • When you google Emmanuel Durand, the first search result is for e French Dominican Monk. Weird. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-10-03

  • Preaching on Psalm 3: Comfort and rest in adversity. #
  • Haven't seen so much rain for years. Even in Wels it doesn't rain non-stop all day. #
  • Mais toi, Eternel! Tu es pour moi un bouclier, Tu es ma gloire, et tu relèves ma tête. Ps 3:4 #
  • Sermon prep and babysitting. Not sure they are compatible, but we'll try. #
  • Sermon prep and Bible study this afternoon (led by my colleague). #
  • Looking forward to receive two Irish missionaries coming for lunch today. #

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Westminster Shorter Catechism Flash Cards

A few years ago, I learned the shorter catechism. It was a worthwhile exercise, but needs constant practice. I just found someone who has mad a set of flash cards, ready to print to help learning the 107 questions. To find these, follow the link: Westminster Shorter Catechism Flash Cards | D A N G I T B I L L !.

Knowing the catechism proves helpful in many circumstances: when listening to sermons, when preaching, doing Bible studies, talking with a fellow Christian… Reading through Stuart Olyott’s “Preaching pure and simple”, I could see the influence of the shorter catechism on more than one occasions when he explains some doctrines.