Gwibdaith Hen Frân yn Galeri Caernarfon
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20
- Home sweet home #
- Now for prayer and sharing. Good to great what God is.doing in France. #
- Good to see and meet some new folks. About 30 men and a few wives present. #
- Caef church leaders meeting: a few brits but no welsh people. #
- Cultivating Private Prayer as a Pastor from the Desiring God Resource Library via @desiringgod #
- @alandavey ti'n gallu ffonio ni in reply to alandavey #
- @alandavey where are you going? in reply to alandavey #
- The car is in the garage. Should be ready tonight. #
- More problems with the car. Need to take it back Thursday. Pray that it will hold until then. Not the clutch this time. #
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13
- Is Wales over-enthusiastic? Two yellow cards in the first half seems a lot. #
- Begard market this morning #
- Begard, market #
- War memorial, Begard #
- On lanvollon market, chicken for sale #
- Off to visit some local markets to plan for future evangelism. #
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Lanvollon market
How to recycle take away pizza boxes
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06
- Preaching from Col 1:15-23 in guingamp today. #
- #LoveLastPass #
- @rhodrielisjones Pawb yn iawn diolch. Beth amdanoch chi? in reply to rhodrielisjones #
- Got the car back, feeling better. You get attached to these things. #
- @rhodrielisjones Tought you were marking. Why are you reading this then? 🙂 in reply to rhodrielisjones #
- The car is still not back… getting frustrated now. #
- We lost tonight but we get another chance tomorrow with France vs scotland. #
- @rhodrielisjones I hope you are right. in reply to rhodrielisjones #
- Maxime enjoying the rugby #
- Maxime seems more interested by the crisps and popcorn than the match. #
- Rugby night, training my sons to be patriotic. You need to start early. #
- No car :-(. The mechanic was still working on it. at least they lent me a car until tomorrow. #
- Going to get the car in the garage soon. #
- Car should be ready tonight. Tomorrow lunch at the latest. #
- Chicago under the snow, amazing pictures: #
- sermon prep: Colossians 1:15-22 #
- We are pedestrians for a few days. at least the weather is beautiful here. #
- Phoned garage, only one part hasard arrived, waiting for the other one. maybe ready friday or saturday. Must check bicycle now #
- @asober I noticed the same here 🙁 will do that before lunch time. in reply to asober #
- Is the garage going to phone? Or do I need to phone them? #
- It's when the car is in the garage that you want to go for a ride. #
- It has been a full day, and CSI:NY is on TV. CSI wins over reading. #
- Back home without car. Will know tomorrow how much it will cost. #
- Stuck on a car park. It is the clutch (again). #
- Ruth 3 Great bible study. Praise God for our Boaz, our Redeemer. #
- Tuesday Bible study: Ruth 3. #
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