Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-10

  • On the train to Cardiff, using phone to connect. It is working great. #
  • Another sunny day in England. Off to the border with Wales soon, speaking in Shrewsbury tonight. #
  • Enjoying the sun in regent park. #
  • Will be in London from around 2:30pm, my host will be at work until after 5 anything to do around Euston? #
  • I Just love these train journeys. #
  • Heavy rain in West Wales today, but the weather will improve and the rest of the week should be sunny. #
  • Wales. #
  • Off to Carmarthen this morning. Train is at 11:45. Hope weather is as good in Wales as in London. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03

  • In London, preaching twice today. Start with Wilton Community church this morning. #
  • Almost there. On the train to London. Smooth trip so far. #
  • @markindeed I don't mind flying. I hate not being on time. But incoming plane has landed. Feeling better. in reply to markindeed #
  • We are all queuing but I can't see any plane. Typical. #
  • Checked in, passed security, now waiting for my flight. No turning back. #
  • Lawn cut. Now to my meeting. #
  • MAking the most of the sun to cut the lawn before the big trip to the UK #
  • working on the welsh presentations for next week. #
  • looking for a lift from Cardiff to the Banner conference on Monday 11th April. Anyone going? #
  • Rain #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-27

  • Today: church and fellowship lunch. This afternoon: presenting passerelles, a new evangelistic course we'd like to start. #
  • The clouds have gone, the sun is out again. It seems even warmer today than the rest of the week. #
  • It has been a beautiful week, sunny and warm. Cloudy today, rain tomorrow. #
  • @markindeed I know. We know things travel. But that was an eye opener. Won't look at this computer in the same way now. in reply to markindeed #
  • Evangelism on the market finished for today. Now off to Rostrenen for the monthly Bible study. #
  • Today: evangelism on the market and Bible study in Rostrenen. #
  • Anyone read Francis Chan's "Crazy Love". It has just been translated into French, and I wonder if it is worth a read. #
  • Sermon prep: John 7:14-24: Why will they not believe? #
  • It has arrived: after over 7000 miles. #
  • Just saw that on someone's wall: When people say I'm narrow minded, I tell them it's cause I must enter through the narrow gate. J MacArthur #
  • Writing the March prayer letter. #
  • 4 CSI NY in a row. That shouldn't be allowed. #
  • @alandavey is it sent from China? in reply to alandavey #
  • Taking the son to school then bible study preparation. #
  • The computer I ordered recently is making its way all the way from China. Follow it here: via @AddThis #

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The laptop has arrived

Our laptop was getting older. We bought it in the spring of 2006. It is still going strong, but it has become very slow, and the battery doesn’t hold that well. We’ll keep it for the children to use.

We tought it would be good to get a new one. It means we have a spare computer for Esther to use when she wants to, and I can use it in the library or when I travel, or watch TV…

After ordering it, I realised that it was shipped directly from China to our home. I had assumed the company had stock in Europe. So, the laptop has travelled over 7000 miles to get to us. It has been through Korea, Kazakstan, Poland and Germany before arriving in France.

I have started setting it up, ready for my trip to the UK at the end of next week.