
One to 2 is the new Bookshop and tearoom of the Heath Evangelical Church in Cardiff. If you are in Cardiff, it is worth a visit. There is a wide selection of good Christian Books, and some good food and coffee, as well as comfortable seats. I think there is also a wifi connection if you need to get connected.

Going home

I am on my way home. I flew from Glasgow to Paris this morning, and I am now waiting for my flight to Brest this afternoon. Paris is sunny, and it is very hot in the terminal. I discovered when I arrived that there is a TGV station here, and that some trains go straight to Brittany. I might catch the train next time, rather than wait for 5 hours in a busy and noisy airport. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, I am nearly home.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-17

  • enjoying the Highlands of Scotland under the sun. #
  • Glasgow. feeling rather tired. #
  • Crossing the lake district. Amazing views. #
  • @alandavey greetings to the folks in Lausanne. Would love to be there. in reply to alandavey #
  • Soon going through the lake district. #
  • on the train to Glasgow. Too many people on board, and very hot here. #
  • Conference finished. Now to Glasgow, waiting for my train. #
  • At the Banner in Leicester. Just had a blessed morning with Geoff Thomas, Martin Holdt and Lewis Allen now for a rest and skyping Esther. #
  • Banner, day 2, first session about to start, Geoff Thomas speaking. #
  • Feeling refreshed after a good sunday. Looking forward to fellowship at banner. #

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Deputation, day 12 — Scotland, Glasgow to Pitlochry

I had a relaxing morning. Iain took me with him to his farm. He used to be a sheperd and is now trying to sell it. He had an appointment with two men from Scottish Woodlands who were showing some interest and he showed us around. It is a beautiful spot. if you are looking to buy a farm on a beautiful hillside not far from Glasgow, this is the place for you. I’ll post some pictures latter.

We went to the UFM office in Glasgow for lunch and left the town at about 2pm. It was a beautiful 2 hours drive up to Pitlochry, a small town in the Highlands.

Iain Cameron led the first meeting. He introduced us to some of the new UFM missionaries. The main speaker this weekend is Bryn Jones, a Welsh man who used to work in Brazil. He is a member of the UFM council, and a good friend of Esther’s dad. There were about 35 people, maybe more. More people will join us on Saturday, just for the day.