Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-22

  • Antibiotics seems to have kicked in and the Ibuprofen is doing it's job. I Can try to get some work done. #
  • Tired and a sore throat. I am off to bed. #
  • It will be a very early night for me tonight. #
  • Feeling tired, with a headache, a sore throat and painful muscles. And I need to take the children to school in the cold. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-15

  • emaon o vont da ober ur weladenn da unan bennak en Bear hiziv #brezhoneg #llydaweg #
  • dwi'n wrth fy modd: wedi dechrau dysgu Jean-Baptiste i ddarllen yn y #Gymraeg Gwych #
  • Yn y llyfrgell i astudio. #
  • 8 am, wednesday morning (no school on wednesday). Kids still sleeping, baby back in bed. Bliss, waiting for my cup of coffee. #
  • Yn edrych ar toy story 3 gyda'r pl ant. Stori gwych. #
  • N'em eus ket dihunet abred ar beure-mañ #llydaweg #brezhoneg #

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I tested the Leclerc e-drive for you

Folks in the UK and in major French cities have been able to do their food shopping online and have it delivered for a while. But if you live in a small French town, you haven’t been able to do that, until recently. Some supermarkets have started providing an online service recently. It works somewhat differently: they don’t deliver at home but you can order from your computer, and pick it up in your local shop, or in a purpose built warehouse near you.

I had meant to try this service for a while and I have at last done it. We have a Leclerc drive here. It’s not a shop, just a warehouse. You do your shopping online, decide when you want to pick it up, pay and print the receipt. Then, you go to the warehouse, scan the barcode on the receipt, and someone comes out of the building with your shopping and puts it in the boot.

Continue reading “I tested the Leclerc e-drive for you”

It’s quiet here

It’s quiet here. We’re back in the daily routine. The children are back in school since last week. Maxime is doing well. Esther is unwell, with a painful throat. I am getting on with work. There’s a bible study to prepare for the young people on Saturday. I also need to anticipate future studies and sermons. I also need to update the church website. I’ve been doing quite a bit of reading as well, trying to finish some of the numerous books I had started reading.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-08

  • Reading Brave New World, had forgotten how good a book it is. #
  • O lenn emaon "Brave New World". Ul levr mat an hini eo #Brezhoneg #breton #LLydaweg #
  • ul emvod pedenn mat em boa bet dec'h da noz #brezhoneg #breton #
  • Matthew Henry's Method for prayer in French: #
  • confirming meetings for our visit to Wales in July. It seems quite packed so far. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-01-01

  • Bloavezh mat d'an holl Bonne année à tous #brezhoneg #breton #
  • In the cinéma with the boys tout watch Puss in boots. #
  • @Blayaise well, that's a a great news. Thanks for sharing this, every blessings. in reply to Blayaise #
  • Maxime fallling asleep on dad's shoulder #
  • E Pabu emaon o chom. Pelec'h emac'h o chom? #Brezhoneg #Breton #llydaweg #
  • E Breizh e tebromp krampouezh alies. En bretagne, nous mangeons des crêpes souvent #brezhoneg #breton #llydaweg #
  • I read Eryl Davies' book on LLoyd Jones yesterday. It's a good book #lloydjones #
  • Lennet em eus al levr Eryl Davies diwar-benn LLoyd Jones dec'h. Mat eo al levr-se #brezhoneg #breton #llydaweg #
  • Le bébé a bien dormi: jusqu'à 5h30. The baby has slept well: until 5.30 am #
  • Kousket mat en deus ar babig: betek pemp eur hanter #brezhoneg #llydaweg #breton #

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