Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-29

  • @gethin_aj Someone told me there are chances he'll speak English. Heard him in the colloque, he was great, but very dependent on his notes. in reply to gethin_aj #
  • @gethin_aj Chances are Don will speak in English, but if he doesn't, his French is very good and his quebec accent lighter than Garou's in reply to gethin_aj #
  • Should I be laughing at it or feel sick? Joel Osteen: #
  • Please, stop using Microsoft Office: Il serait temps de dire adieu au traitement de texte de Microsoft | Slate #
  • Got your 25GB free storage? Upgrade from 7GB to 25GB of Free Microsoft SkyDrive Storage While You Can #
  • just activated my #GoogleDrive together with my #dropbox account gives me plenty space to sync work documents between computers. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-22

  • Leading worship this morning? 5 Things to Pray for Your Congregation As You Prepare to Lead Worship via @bobbygilles #
  • @alandavey Do you mean you don't like the Who???? in reply to alandavey #
  • Received our tax declaration form today, hurrah… #
  • Last day in beautiful Savoy, before heading back to beautiful Brittany tomorrow. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08

  • XIXe siècle. Des missionnaires gallois en Bretagne – Le temple protestant de Lesconil, en pays bigouden Au… #
  • Une Eglise qui ne comprend pas l'Ancien Testament ni la théologie biblique est une Eglise qui comprend difficilement l'Evangile. Goldsworthy #
  • plijout a ran din deskiñ ar brezhoneg #bzhg #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25

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