Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-17

  • Sunday 17th June in Guingamp: Morning worship followed by fellowship lunch. Must not forget to vote. #
  • yen eo an amzer hiziv #bzhg #
  • Polygamy in the Bible: A sordid tale #
  • Groupe de chant bretons kreizenn sevenadurel vrezhon Gwengamp #bzhg #
  • Le groupe de chant kreizenn gwengamp #bzhg #
  • Soirée au centre culturel Breton #bzhg #
  • Soirée au centre culturel Breton #bzhg #
  • End of year party in party in the Breton Cultural Centre tonight. #
  • Fête de fin d'année au centre culturel Breton de Guingamp ce soir #bzhg #
  • @alandavey five what? Pieces of cake? in reply to alandavey #
  • In the library. Studious atmosphere: students are revising for their exams. #
  • Warning, this video may make you feel travel sick. #
  • there are lorries both in front and behind the house. I am glad for double glazing. #
  • Il y a un camion devant la maison, mais aussi derrière. Heureusement qu'il y a du double vitrage #
  • Some thoughts on ebooks (in French) via @slatefr #
  • Had a great day in bordeaux today. Looking forward to be home tomorrow night though. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-10

  • @gethin_aj every blessings. in reply to gethin_aj #
  • It's raining in Bordeaux 🙂 #
  • @PastorMark the reverse is also true. in reply to PastorMark #
  • Now in Bordeaux. Preaching twice tomorrow, remember Esther and the boys in your prayers. #
  • Keeping busy on my way to Bordeaux: revising sermon notes, @bibleworks opened on the laptop. #
  • Where is the world going? heard one man saying he will boycott the euro because ukraine is killing stray dogs… #
  • Came home at lunch time to find a mini digger in front of the house, digging the foundation for a wall/fence. #
  • It is impossible to try to play cyclomaniacs with a baby on your laps. I've tried. #
  • RT @jderekrees Dilynwch @cymrugyfan1 in reply to jderekrees #
  • For those of you who still believe in the continuity of prophecy, this is worth reading: #
  • Linkedin was hacked recently and passwords stolen. Have you changed yours ? And the sites where you use the same one? #
  • #
  • Am I the only one thinking that the scenarios in #csi are becoming weirder as times go by? What will they invent next? #
  • Password Security: 6.5 Million LinkedIn Accounts May Be Compromised, Change Your Passwords Now – @Lifehacker #
  • Jean-Baptiste n'a plus son plâtre, mais pas de foot pour encore au moins 3 semaines. Il est un peu frustré. #
  • On enlève le platre de Jean-baptiste tout a l'heure. #
  • Been working on a new prayer card. See some designs on the facebook page and vote for your favorite #
  • designing a new prayer card #
  • RT @ericmckiddie 10 Apps I Couldn’t Do Ministry Without in reply to ericmckiddie #
  • RT @PastorMark: Bitter people are emotional archaeologists always digging up the past. #
  • Kentel brezhoneg er kreizenn fenoz #bzhg #
  • Le plus beau de la famille. #
  • The glory we give God is nothing else but our lifting up his name in the world, and magnifying him in the eyes of others — Thomas Watson #
  • This guy is right: "10 things nobody telles you about being a dad" #
  • RT @DailyKeller I want to preach that Christian morality is a response to grace, not a means to grace. in reply to DailyKeller #
  • Back from our Sunday afternoon walk now for a small snack and cuppa #lovesundays #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-03

  • On prends le mot fête dans fête des mères littéralement. Pancakes au petit déjeuner. #
  • Today is mother's day in France. Bonne fête Esther. #
  • @jgowens78 I am sure she will never forget. in reply to jgowens78 #
  • Cutting the lawn at home and at church, done. Now for a relaxing afternoon before finishing the message tonight #lovesaturdays #
  • Amazing pictures BBC News – Historic images of Gwynedd rural life uncovered #
  • Conference au centre culturel Breton ce soir: La Bretagne de 1845 à 1914. Un sujet abordé sera la séparation de l'église et de l'état. #
  • This afternoon's office #
  • JUST GO OUTSIDE: via @youtube #
  • Good time on the #Guingamp market. It was sunny and warm with a lot of people out. #
  • This morning, you'll find us on Guingamp's market #
  • Ce matin, vous nous trouverez su r le marché de #Guingamp #
  • RT @RevKevDeYoung It's spring out there–sun, squirrels, green grass, kids playing, ice cream trucks. Stop staring at your phone and look up in reply to RevKevDeYoung #
  • Baby is sleeping, Neighbour's children playing with ours in the garden, doing jigsaws. No fights so far, how long will it last? #
  • Still following? The Stranger: Part 1, Chapter 6 – The Gospel Coalition Blog #
  • Lovely to be able to work outside in the shade but there's a noisy tractor cutting hay in a field. #
  • Keloù mat, Speaking schedule – #
  • Just spent a couple of hours working in the library. Now for some shopping before going home. #
  • Tomm a oa an amzer dec'h met yen eo din hiziv #bzhg #
  • Tax form filled online and sent, one job done. #
  • @srarboles there was probably one, and it must have cost a lot of money. in reply to srarboles #
  • @alandavey Tout seul pour 400000 Français? in reply to alandavey #
  • I am not the only Frenchman who loves the uk: Who is reaching these people out with the gospel? #
  • Tomm eo din hiziv 🙂 #bzhg #

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