Cars and their problems

We don’t live in a big city so we need a car to move around. We bought our Fiat Multipla 5 years ago, and it had already some mileage. It is 13 years old now, and still going well. But is is sometimes showing signs of ageing.

When we drove down last week, there was a strange feeling with the gear stick. Some of the gears were quite difficult to pass. I thought I’d have to have it checked when we get back home. Then, on Wednesday evening, as I was going out with Esther, The gears were very hard. We borrowed my mum’s car and I called a garage the next day. Two mechanics came, had a quick look at it and diagnosed a clutch problem. They took the car and said they would try to purge the clutch hydraulic system and see if the problem came from that. That’s what they did and it seems to do the trick. It should take us back to Brittany they said at the garage. But I think we’ll start looking at another car soon, just in case.

Glad to have the car back. Glad it didn’t happen on the motorway on the way back home. Glad that all the mechanics I have met so far have always been helpful and dedicated to their work.

Back to my roots: a visit at the Eglise Protestante Evangélique de Cognin

My family and I joined the “Groupe Biblique de Chambéry” (GBC) when it was in its infancy, in the mid  1980s. At the time, there were only 3 families, if I remember well: one missionary family from the USA, and two French families. We met in a flat in Chambéry. The church grew, and we were joined by other missionaries. We moved to a rented meeting room in a supermarket. the shop was closed on Sundays, but hired conference rooms upstairs. We were there for a few years until the church moved to its current premises in Cognin, a suburb of Chambéry.It became the “Eglise Protestante Evangélique de Cognin” after I left for Wales. I was converted and baptised in the GBC. That’s also where I met Esther I have many sweet memories there.

It was good to be back on Sunday morning, although it was a bit sad also. The church is still quite small, and a number of people have left. But the faithful remains, and  I was happy to see them and catch up with their news. I am due to preach there next Sunday.

Passerelles vers Dieu, session 4

We had the 4th session of our 6 parts series called “Passerelles vers Dieu” on Friday evening. There was a new face tonight. A Roman Catholic woman who had somehow found out about the church and seemed quite interested. She is unhappy with the Roman Catholic church and wants to see other things. She had been in touch by email the day before but had no other prior contact with any evangelical church. We pray there will be more opportunities to share the gospel with her and that our Lord will give her the new heart that she needs in order to respond.

Another unbeliever was there. He is a young man in his late 20s and has been to church a few times before. He is also a Roman Catholic. We had some good discussions. Thanks for those who prayed for these evening. There will be two more sessions.