I am not on holiday, but I’ve managed to do a bit of reading this week and I wanted to share some thoughts on the books I’ve read in the last few days.
Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Eryl Davies
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[/amazon_link] I had never heard of Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones until I first moved to Cardiff in 1999. I worshipped in the Heath Evangelical Church, and the pastor at the time, Mr Higham had been a close friend to the Doctor, and regularly referred to him. It was also the 100th anniversary of Lloyd-Jones’ birth, and there were special meetings organised, as well as some great offers on the Doctor’s books. At the time, I started reading the series on Romans and I read most of the volumes. It was very helpful spiritually. Years latter, I also read the two volumes biography by Iain Murray. This little Bitesize Biography had been given to us by the missionary committee of our sending Church (which happens to be the Heath Evangelical church). We also have kown the author well. It was a good way to refresh my memory about the life and legacy of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones. I long for God to raise up and call such a man to preach the gospel in France. We need someone to preach powerfully and biblically, who would lead the French Evangelical churches. It was a quick read and encouraged me to re-read some of the volumes of sermons by Lloyd Jones I’ve got.
Christmas Evans — no ordinary preacher, Tim Shenton
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