Almost ready to go to Wales. I still need to finish preparing my sermons, translate one in Welsh, and finish the presentations. But at least We’ve received the prayer cards to distribute to all those who pray for us.
Category: Ministry
Last friday’s market: Guingamp
Last Friday’s market in Guingamp was rather uneventful for most of it. For once, it wasn’t raining. At around 11am, two gentlemen arrived on the market. they looked smart, and Emmanuel Hartiel thought he’d seen the oldest one of them before. It was a well-known local politician. he was waiting for the local candidate for today’s election. As he was waiting, he saw us and came for a chat. A typical politician, he was polite, and asked a few questions. At least, he left with information on the church and a tract that one of us handed over to him.
A Sunday in Bordeaux
It was good to be in Bordeaux once again to preach in the local Reformed Evangelical church. I preached twice, first in French, then in English. One of the nice things was to get specific feedback on the message, with a few people coming to chat after the service to speak about the sermon.
I was hosted once again by Christophe and Elena and their two daughters. They gave me a warm welcome and it was great to get to know them better.
I travelled back on Monday and read for most of the journey.
I am off to Bordeaux again this weekend to preach in the Reformed Evangelical Church in French, and in their English service as well. For a change, I will travel down through Nantes and not Paris. I will go through Paris on the way back.
Guingamp Market, 01/06/2012
I went to Guingamp market on my own this morning. I was able to park very close to the market, which was nice. I was joined by a member of the church, and Emmanuel Hartiel arrived before 11 am. It was a beautiful morning. the sun was out, and it was quite hot after a while. There were lot of people shopping. We also have some elections coming soon, and some people were handing out political flyers.
A Breton militant from “Breizhistance” gave us a flyer. We accepted on the condition he took one of ours. He took one but didn’t look very interested. He said he’d been brought up in the religion (catholic I suppose), and had rejected it. When such opportunities come up, I wish we had some Christian literature in Breton, I am convinced that would help.
I saw a few people I know from school. A young woman I’ve spoken to before had a chat with the other Emmanuel. She’s a Roman catholic and was given a Bible by Claude Broux many years ago. She was converted after reading it.
Should we use social networks?
I think so. Albert Mohler from Southern Baptist seminary explains why in this video, and in this article. Thanks to Alan Davey for pointing these out