Preaching in St Brieuc

The Lord heard your prayers and I was able to get to St Brieuc. It had snowed in the night, but less than expected, and the temperature had gone up slightly. It started raining when I left Guingamp. Only two lanes of the dual carriageway were opened to start with (one lane in each direction), but after a while I joined a part where all the lanes were opened. It took me about 50 minutes for a journey that usually takes about 35 minutes.

It was my first preaching commitment putside Guingamp since we arrived. It was good to meet new people. There was a good crowd, and the meeting room was full. I preached on the circumstances of Jesus’ birth from Matthew 1:18-25. Jesus was born of a virgin, adopted by Joseph and came to save sinners.

The service finished quite early so I was able to get back to Guingamp and pop into the church, see people and pick up my family.

Visit to the UK, April 2011

Borras Park Church in Wrexham contacted us a month ago to ask if we were going to visit the UK next year, and if we could come and visit. We had not planned a visit, but thought it could be good to spend a bit of time doing deputation. We went for April.

D.V. I plan to visit some churches at the beginning of the month, and attend the Banner of Truth minister’s conference in the second week. The date for Wrexham is 6th April.

I will try to make the most of this visit to contact new churches, so if you know of churches interested in the work of the gospel in France, or if you would like me to visit your church, get in touch.