The weekly Bible study takes place on Tuesday afternoon. There is always a good number of people turning up, usually up to 9-10. But the last few weeks had been quite low on numbers. You can imagine my surprise when 12 people turned up yesterday afternoon. One of them was a lady who hadn’t come for several years. There were a couple of unbelievers as well. There were good discussions, and everyone was able to contribute. We finished the book of Ruth, and it was great to be able to wrap it up by showing that it was a story about God working out Redemption through his providence.
Category: Ministry
A good Sunday-looking ahead to the coming week.
We had a good Sunday. I preached on Colossians 1:15-23, as part of a series on the gospel centred life. In the afternoon, we went for a long walk as a family. We almost got bitten by a dog walking passed a house where the “Gendarmes” recently removed a dog because he had bitten several people. Seems the landlord still hasn’t learned his lesson.
Feeling refreshed, it’s good to look forward to this week. I am leading leading a Bible study on Ruth 4 Tuesday afternoon, and the youth Group on Saturday, talking about the resurrection. I’d also like to start working on my presentations for the week of Deputation in April.
Summer team
I have already mentioned the summer team. The dates will be from 2nd July to Saturday 16th. If you are interested, let us know, or get in touch with UFM.
Day off (well, sort off)
I usually take Wednesday off. But I thought it could be good to try to take Saturday instead. It means that everything should be ready by Friday evening. If it isn’t, I’ll have to get up early Sunday to finish my sermon. But then, the young people are coming today, and I still need to read the notes for tonight’s Bible study.
Jesus, Jesus all sufficient
Preparing a sermon on John 6:1-15 (The feeding of the 5000). I’ve had a look at Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Off course, it is only an attempt by an unbeliever to summarise what are our most basic needs. Amazing to see that Christ actually meets these needs at every level.
The mark experiment (2)
My dear friend and UFM colleague Alan gave this helpful comment on Facebook:
It could be a useful introduction to Christianity Explored.
But really the goal of it is not as an evangelistic tool but to enable Christians to learn the structure of Mark’s gospel so they can then share the gospel with others.
I could see that it would be a good introduction to a series of studies n Mark like Christianity Explored, but hadn’t thought of the impact it could have on the Christians involved in the “experiment”. Thank you Alan.