Weekend summary

It was a good and busy weekend. I’ll post more details and some pictures later in the day. In the meantime, here is a summary:

  • I travelled to Nantes on Saturday to preach in the local Reformed Evangelical church there on Sunday.
  • I travelled back on Sunday afternoon, and got stuck for a while in Rennes. An accident in Laval had stopped all the trains. I managed to find one and got home around 9pm, only 1 hour and 1/2 late.
  • I was in Brest on Monday for the all Brittany ministers’ fellowship. It was my first time there, and it was good to meet some new people.

Off to Nantes

I am off to Nantes this morning, to preach in the Eglise Réformée Evangélique there. They are celebrating 20 years in their building tomorrow. It is rather intimidating, but I am looking forward to it.

I am excited at the prospect of travelling on the train. It takes about 3 hours. I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon so that I can attend the Brittany ministers’ fellowship in Brest.

Looking forward to the weekend

We’re always looking forward to the weekend. Here are the plans:

Tonight, we have been invited by a family from the school. Their youngest daugher is in Jean-Baptiste’s class. We’ve been to their house several times, and they have come over, but never for a meal. We are looking forward to it.

Tomorrow is supposed to be off. But I am not sure I’ll have finished my sermon preparation before tonight. Jean-Baptiste is going to a birthday party down the road in the afternoon, so I might get some work done during that time. At the same time I need to start looking for a lawn mower. I may go in the morning.

I am preaching Sunday. this week, I will be speaking on the Christian’s relationship to the law. It should be interesting.