Persevering: learning Breton

I am persevering with the Breton lessons. It’s not much: 1h30 per week, but that’s better than nothing. It is also an opportunity to meet some new people. I have also bought the first volume of the Breton Oulpann, a method to learn the language. I learned Welsh through the same method, and found it very good and efficient. I use the book and the CD to do a bit of Breton everyday (20-30 min). It is proving useful.

The next challenge will be to actually meet some Breton speaking people and make myself understand.

Passerelles vers Dieu, 2nd Session

Wednesday saw our second session of Passerelles vers Dieu. The same people came along appart from one. Everyone seems to enjoy coming ad sharing. We talked about God and creation this time. People felt at ease to speak. The feedback I’ve had so far is positive. There’s one thing I find difficult is that everyone seems to agree on most subjects discussed. Although not everyone is a christian, everyone believes there is a God and that there is a meaning to life. Nevertheless, when we discussed  man made in the image of God, we had some interesting suggestions. Next episode is next Wednesday when we will talk about the fall.

An unknown God, Passerelles vers Dieu, first evening

We had a great evening for our first night of Passerelles vers Dieu. Passerelles vers Dieu is an evangelistic course, written by French people with French people in mind. It uses recorded video messages to introduce the gospel and fuel discussions. People come along and are free to share their opinion on what has been discussed. Their is food at the beginning to help people relax, and get to know each other.

It worked well. We started with ten people, and three others joined us late. They were mainly from the church, but there were four unbelievers amongst them. One is the son of one of our members. Another is a man who has been in contact with the church for many years and sometimes comes to the services. There was also a young man who has also been in touch with the church for the last 6 years and who I am following regularly. Finally, there was a man who has been coming to church with his son for the last 4 weeks. The son is a Christian, the dad a Roman Catholic I think.

The conversations went well. People were at ease to speak and share their thoughts. We now pray that these people will be coming for the next 5 weeks and that they will come to faith in our Saviour.