Pentecost Monday annual meeting

We spent Pentecost Monday in Pontivy, for the annual day conference of the evangelical churches of Brittany. We had a challenging day with Etienne Lhermenault, a former Baptist Pastor, and current president of the CNEF, a body that represents Evangelicals to the authorities and the media. Etienne Lhermenault gave two messages on Christian service from 1 Corinthians 9.

Last year, for our first visit, we had been disappointed with the worship band, but this year was much better, with a good mix of older and more recent hymns and choruses. The music wasn’t as loud as a year ago, and I could actually hear my voice, and the congregation singing. It’s good to see that the few complaints that had been raised on this subject were heard.

About 15 people had come from Guingamp. Most churches in Brittany were represented. It was good to meet up with my friend Ian and his Family. Ian lives in Rennes, and we had met in the Colloque Biblique Francophone.

The weather was beautiful and warm. We had a lovely journey back and came back exhausted.

Gospel Centred ministry, 10-12th May, Geneva

From 10th to 12th April 2012, the Geneva Bible Institute managed to gather 730 church leaders, Christian workers and Theological students for a conference on « a Gospel-centred ministry. The main speakers were John Piper, Don Carson and French theologian Henry Blocher. I had the great privilege to attend of this event. It was an opportunity to hear the Word preached, catch up with friends and meet new people. The weather was hot and sunny, with only a little rain on the Saturday morning before. Continue reading “Gospel Centred ministry, 10-12th May, Geneva”

CNEF ministers’ fellowship

The local CNEF ministers’ fellowship took place in Guingamp on Monday. It is only the second meeting we’ve had, and my first opportunity to attend. There were 8 of us, representing 6 churches for te whole département (that shows the extent of the need: there are almost 600 000 people in the Côtes d’armor, and most churches were present at this meeting). There was two people missing.

It was good to meet with my pentecostal brothers. The meeting was interesting, with update on the CNEF and the churches represented. I had to go before the end. The meeting was led by a pentecostal minister from St-Brieuc who happens to be also a member of the board leading the CNEF. He is also the man in charge of communication and relationship with the media. what made the meeting great was the way it was led, graciously, but with a firm hand so that we would go through all the points in the agenda.

I am looking forward to the next one.

Do I really want to go to that conference in Geneva?

I am due to go to a conference in Geneva in 2 weeks time. Today, we had an email with details and they attached a link to the following video featuring the accommodation in nuclear bunkers.

Vidéos des abris Pâques 2010 from LaRébellution on Vimeo.

It’s rather primitive, but some friends are going, so it’ll be nice to catch up.