Deputation, day 8 — Day off, Cardiff

I spent the day in Cardiff, attending our home church here both morning and evening. I had a good time with some friends in Whitchurch, enjoying the sun in their garden. These short visits are always frustrating: to many people to see in too little time. I would have loved to shake everybody’s hands, but it’s just not possible.

I spoke about our work in the evening, many people stayed on to listen. We are grateful as a family to have so many supportive friends? It helps us as we get into the work. Train tomorrow is at 12:25, off to Leicester, to the Banner of Truth Ministers conference.

Deputation, day 7 Cardiff

Today was day off. I travelled to Cardiff and spent some time with my friend Levon. We had lunch in the new Bookshop/tearoom of the church. great place, right next to the church. I’ll post some pictures soon. We saw some friends there. We then wen to Roath Park lake. It was warm and sunny, and there were people everywhere. after that we went to visit some other friends in Llandaff North. It was good to relax in the sun and catch up with the news. I started feeling the tiredness of the travelling and needed some rest. I am now staying with some friends from the church, and I am looking forward to tomorrow (Sunday).

Deputation, day 6 — Shrewsbury

I had a good journey from London to Shrewsbury. The sun is still shining here, and it is feeing very warm. Paul and Ruth Yeulett from Shrewsbury Evangelical church hosted a relaxed French meeting for the church here. We had a quizz and I was able to give a report on the work in Guingamp. We finished the evening with some French delicacies: bread, cheese, wine…

It was good to see the people here. It was also good to see a most of Esther’s family: here parents have come to Shrewsbury for the weekend with Sara, and Ruth Yeulett is Esther’s sister. I enjoyed some time with my young niece and nephews as well.

A week of traveling and mate nights is starting to take its toll, so it is time to go to bed.

Deputation, day 5 — London

I arrived in London quite early on Thursday. It was a beautiful day and I spent a couple of hours in Regent Park reading “Counterfeit Gods” by Tim Keller. I then made my way to Finchley where my Esther’s sister lives. She is away on a school trip, but her husband Marcus was here.

We had fish and chips and we found out that the owner of the place was a man from Radyr, in Cardiff. His parents own a chips shop there.

It was good to be in Kensit Evangelical church. The meeting went well, with good questions at the end, and I think the presentation helped a few to see that continental Europe is a mission field. At the end of the meeting, a lady came to me to introduce herself. She is a member of the UFM council whom I hadn’t met yet. She attends another church, but her sister does. When she heard I was speaking, she came along.

I am now off to Shrewsbury.

Deputation, day 4 — Cardiff and Wrexham

I spent part of the morning in Cardiff. It was a bit strange to be there. I had a coffee and Baguette in Le Rendez-Vous. I worked there full time in 1999-2000, and 2000-2001. The place has changed a lot, the people also. But two people I used to work with are still there, and it was nice to have a quick chat with them. After that I wondered around town before going to catch my train.

The journey between Cardiff and Wrexham is amazing. The sun was shining, and the countryside was beautiful. I managed to finish another book: Crazy Love by Francis Chan. It is a challenging book and well worth a read.

Mark Thomas picked me up from Wrexham General. It was good to get to know him and his family better. His wife Gwawr is Esther’s cousin. One of the most enjoyable part of Deputation is the hospitality, and getting to know my hosts.

The meeting went well, people had a lot of questions, and we had to stop so that we could have some time to pray. Now for a good night sleep. Back to London tomorrow.

Deputation — transport

When I started planning this deputation trip, I first thought I would hire a car to move around. But as meetings started being planned, I realised that most of these could be easily reached on the train, and decided to have a go at it and travel on public transport. if you plan ahead, you can get cheap train tickets. I bought them on the web, and I retrieve them at the stations on the tickets machines. It is quite cheap (I think slightly cheaper than hiring a car). One advantage is that I can relax and rest. I have been able to read through one of Tim Keller’s books yesterday (prodigal God), and through half of Francis chan’s “Crazy Love” today.

It is working well. I have had a great time with the various people who have given me hospitality. Trains have been on time…