Some Famous Breton singers/bands coming together to sing Tri Martalod.
Category: France
Tri Yann, Pelot d’hennebont
Tri Yann, La jument de Michao
Tri Yann is a fairly well known Band from Brittany. They’ve been touring for the best part of 40 years I would think. Their music is quite traditional, yet modern. Here is a live version of La jument de Michao (Michao’s mare).
National strike (2)
Well, the strike did not affect us at all. We weren’t planning anything anyway. The postwoman came, but she only had junk mail. Yet, the regional paper estimates that about 3600 people demonstrated in Guingamp this morning. Not bad when you consider that the population of guingamp and the surrounding villages is about 23000.
En Avant Guingamp
I have never been a football fan, and will never be. But football is big here, and the local team has a big following. The stadium can seat about 18 000 people and the town itself has only about 8 000 inhabitants. En Avant Guingamp is not a big team, but they won the French Football cup in 2009. We discovered after we arrived that they train on the football grounds just behind our house, and we can see them most mornings.
Some big names have played in Guingamp: Didier Drogba is one of them, but also Jean-Pierre Papin and more. More surprising, Eduardo Ribeiro, who scored the winning goal in the final of the French worldcup in 2009, was a Christian and attended the local Gypsy church. He has since moved on, but had the opportunity to speak about his faith in the local medias after the team’s victory.
Driving through Guingamp
I found these videos of Guingamp on Youtube, filmed by a certain Mike Fairman, you find his videos here. They’ll give you a good feel for the place.