Category: France
Bégard Market
Lanvollon market
French Schools- British schools, one difference
There are many differences between the French school system and the British one. Here is one.
In Cardiff, we were always told when the children were going to do something with food, and eat something. We were asked to let the school know if we didn’t want our child to eat this type of food. No such thing in France. Jean-Baptiste has had different cakes, they’ve even baked at school. But we’ve never been asked before hand whether he was allowed to. I suppose it would be our responsibility to let them know at the beginning of the year that he had any food allergies. But also, the school system being thoroughly secular, they wouldn’t asked if you have any special diet on the ground of religion, since religion is completely excluded from the school system.
The JW’s kingdom hall
The Jehovah’s witnesses have a hall in Guingamp. It is not far from our own building, and looks quite big. But it is hidden in a dead end, so it is not too visible. I haven’t seen any yet, where do they get people to get there?
Here is a good read if you are interested in French society. Everything you want to know about the French people. The chapter on values is very thought provoking. A good tool to try to understand French society and get thinking about how the gospel responds to its values.
[amazon_link id=”2035845386″ target=”_parent” locale=”FR” ][/amazon_link]