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Category: Books
Book review: You, your family and the Internet (David Clark)
[amazon_link id=”B007UOATZU” target=”_parent” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]Internet is everywhere. Whether we use a computer or not, Internet has changed the way we live in a radical way. As someone said: “the web is the biggest media revolution since the printing press”. No one can escape the internet. That’s why Christians need to understand what it is, in order to use it in a way that honor God. But many of those who were brought up before the internet revolution are using it without really understanding it, and those who are being brought up with it are using it without any critical approach. Whether one is an expert or a novice, we must all do our homework and understand something about the web, and how to use it wisely. This book addresses this subject. It has been written with the purpose “to help you think through how best to use the Internet in your own situation”.
It is a subject I’ve been thinking through recently, and I read this little book with interest. I am also the father of 3 boys, and the eldest is getting interested in the computer. Off course, his brother wants to do like him. “You, your family and the Internet” provides a good introduction to those who have little knowledge and understanding of the Internet and how it works. Some might have heard of it’s dangers and are rather suspicious. Others are dismissing those dangers and using the Internet heavily. This little book encourages balance in our approach to the whole matter.
I enjoyed reading it. I found the explanations of how the internet works easy to follow. Its main dangers are clearly outlined, as well as some of its advantages. It provides some helpful principles and it gives some practical advice, without falling into legalism. It is a quick read and it will provide everyone with some foundations for a deeper reflection on this communication revolution. It doesn’t answer all the questions but it definitely will put the readers on the right track.
Christians will still need to be trained to use the Internet though. I don’t think that reading this little book would have prevented the church member who recently fell for a phishing scam after replying to an email pretending to come from her email provider and asking for her login details.
God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life
[amazon_link id=”B005ONI3TI” target=”_parent” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]I’ve just read: God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by  Gene Edward Veith Jr. It’s subject is the doctrine of vocation. I found it very helpful. Along the same lines, Paul Helm’s “The Callings” is also good.[amazon_link id=”0851515126″ target=”_parent” container=”” container_class=”” ]
Have you read Calvin’s Institutes?
[amazon_link id=”2755000872″ target=”_parent” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]Have you read Calvin’s Institute? Well, Tim Keller has and he has been thrilled by what he’s read so far: The Counterintuitive Calvin – The Gospel Coalition Blog.
You can find a one year reading plan here, and an article on “Why and How to read Calvin’s Institutes” here.
Finally, if you would like to read it in French, you should use the modern French version available here, or through [amazon_link id=”2755000872″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Amazon[/amazon_link].
John Newton on Church Hopping or Shopping « The Reformed Reader
There’s a lot of church hoppers around. unfortunately, there has always been and there will always be some people who never settle down anywhere. We’ve had a few over the last 2 years. Here is what John Newton (author of Amazing grace) had to say about this: John Newton on Church Hopping or Shopping « The Reformed Reader.
Jonathan Edwards in French
For the most French Ministers, Jonathan Edwards, the 18th century American theologian, is unknown.
I remember once reading the review of a book by a well known French Evangelical Pastor. According to this man, Edwards was the Father of Pentecostalism…
But I saw some time ago that Edwards’ book “The distinguishing Marks of a work of the Spirit of God” had been published in 1996. But it is now out of print. I found a second hand copy only through Amazon, and was able to get it. It cost me a bit more than the initial price, but I am convinced it is money well spent. It arrived today.