Borras Park Church in Wrexham contacted us a month ago to ask if we were going to visit the UK next year, and if we could come and visit. We had not planned a visit, but thought it could be good to spend a bit of time doing deputation. We went for April.
D.V. I plan to visit some churches at the beginning of the month, and attend the Banner of Truth minister’s conference in the second week. The date for Wrexham is 6th April.
I will try to make the most of this visit to contact new churches, so if you know of churches interested in the work of the gospel in France, or if you would like me to visit your church, get in touch.
I was thinking that it would have been good to bring you over to NI to speak. The problem is that our college final exams are on during the first 3 weeks in April. How long will you be in the UK?
PS. Verset 20 n’est pas du tout evident!!
It would be great to visit NI. I am sure it will happen one day, not sure when. I don’t think it would be possible that time. I’ll probably concentrate on mainland UK.
Concerning verse 20, I was looking at a sermon on John Piper the other day on these verses, and he admits that he does not understand it, and as a consequence he does not speak about it.
Sometimes it’s better to have people just think you know nothing rather than actually demonstrating it clearly to them. Saying that, you’ve whetted my appetite to read further on it.
I decided to be frank and admit I did not understand it rather than try to be clever.
Let me know the result of your research.