Boy it’s hot here.

It is unbearably hot down here, and it seems that the temperature is going up every day. two days ago, it was 32°C in the flat, windows and shutters closed. It is much hotter outside. We open every window at night, but the temperature stays well above 20°c and there is no wind to chill us. It has been difficult for  the children. Clémence had some temperature last night, but a cold shower, paracetamol and rest brought it back to normal. On Thursday, Benjamin had had the same.

Going up in the mountains won’t make a difference. We did it yesterday and in spite fo the altitude, it was almost as hot as in the plain: 30°c at 1700 m. At least there was a little wind that cooled us down a bit. We’re not sure where we’ll be going today. Probably up to my mum’s.

We should have a respite tomorrow but the temperatures will go up again until the weekend.

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