Some days just don’t go according to plan

Today, I was supposed to visit the Bégard market with Emmanuel Hartiel, before heading towards Rostrenen for the monthly Bible study. None of these happened. I had to attend an emergency early in the morning which lasted longer than I expected (nothing to worry about), so I had to cancel the visit to the market. Then, the lady who host the Bible study phoned my colleagues to let them know that none of the people who usually attend would make it and that she would be the only one present. The suggestion was to report the study to a day when everyone can be present.

So, instead of a trip to Rostrenen, I went to the swimming pool with Jean-Baptiste and Maxime. On the way there, I forgot my PIN for my bankcard and after three times it was blocked. I was glad I had enough cash to pay. I am tired now, and unable to do anything. I’ll crash in front of TV and go to bed in a while. Some days just don’t go according to plan.

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