Benjamin was born at 6:10 am, on Thursday 21st October 2011 in the local hospital. He was very civilized and let us sleep most of the night. But from about 3 o’clock everything went quickly. We left home at about 5:35, got to the hospital a few minutes later and to the ward at about 5:45. We were well looked after by two experienced midwives.
The advantage of Benjamin being born in France is that Esther was able to stay 4 days in hospital to rest and wait for the milk to arrive. She was well looked after and had an individual room. In contrast, Maxime was born in Cardiff and Esther stayed one night in  a big room with at least a dozen beds.
They both came home on monday and we are all adjusting to life with a baby again. Jean-Baptiste and Maxime are very happy to have a baby at home and are fascinated to look at him.