That’s how far we can go to exercise during this confinement:
- One kilometre from our home
- One hour maximum
- Once a day.

That’s how far we can go to exercise during this confinement:
Day 6 of our confinement.
Homeschooling, News, UK.
On Monday 23rd March, we started our second week of homeschooling. We never really thought about homeschooling. Some of our friends in the UK and one of the church families here have homeschooled or are homeschooling. I respect their choice. I also understand some of their reasons for doing it. But we chose to send our children to the local school.
There are daily challenges. Getting the children to get down to work is not a problem. They do it happily every morning. Jean-Baptiste works on a small desk in our bedroom. Maxime is studying on the table in the dining room and Benjamin on a camping table in the living room. Clémence has some work to do but navigates around several places.
One of the challenges is trying to help them all at the same time. Benjamin (8), needs the most attention and help. But sometimes Maxime and Jean-Baptiste also need help. And they usually all come at the same time. Then Clémence decides she knows better than her mum what she is supposed to do and starts crying loudly.
We are in touch with the teachers on a regular basis. They send homework regularly. Clémence received a video from her teacher to all the children yesterday morning. Maxime had a videoconference with one of his teachers and classmates yesterday afternoon. Jean-Baptiste will have one later today.
But overall I am finding it fun so far. It may be different in a few weeks time.
We are trying to wean ourselves from listening to the news or reading too much. There’s not much new happening anyway: more people die each day. More and more people get sick. Some people are flouting the lockdown and going out when they shouldn’t.
At last, the UK government has understood that giving strong advice is not enough. So Mr Johnson decided the put the country in lockdown. It means “stay at home”, “don’t go out”. Hopefully, he has been clear enough.
UK friends, if you still think you can go out for a long walk in the countryside to get some fresh air, I can’t help you. Stay home, read those unread books lying on your shelves, do some exercise in your garden…