Fellowship and Evangelism in the Chartreuse massif

On Sunday, after the morning service, a good number of the church folks met in the house of some of our members who live in the Chartreuse, a mountain range above Chambéry. We had a picnic and fellowship before walking down to the cirque de St Même, a mountain amphitheater next to where they live. It is a well known touristic spot for those who are not keen on hiking. Hundreds of people meet on the riverside.

The idea was to walk around the amphitheater before having a singing session and tract distribution in this touristic spot.

It was hot and sunny. We stayed by the river while the others walked around the waterfalls. Then we met and set up in a corner for our singing session. It was good. People kept their distance but they heard us. Some went to distribute tracts and had a couple of good conversations. One of our members is Syrian, of Armenian descent. She found out that the families who were sitting closest to us were Muslim Syrians and she was obviously thrilled to meet some fellow countrymen.

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