Last week I spent 5 days in the family chalet in the beautiful mountains of the “massif des écrins”. The idea was for me to have  few days of uninterrupted reading, in order to prepare for the church history lectures I will teach from September in Brussels Bible Institute. There is running water, but no electricity. The view is amazing.
It was good. I managed to do a lot of reading and I have a better idea of what are the key points I want to teach, and how I am going to do it. I can now start going into the details of the individual lectures and outlines.
I walked a bit. On a grey afternoon, I walked to the next village, about 3,5 km up the valley. One sunny morning I went up another valley that you can see from the chalet. I left early (6 am) and thought I would be on my own with the chamois. But I could see some fresh steps and came across a guard from the national park. He was counting the chamois. He looked annoyed that I was there but couldn’t say much so I walked on, trying not to be too noisy.
In the meantime, Esther was with the boys at home, and it went well, as far as I can tell. Maxime had a tooth removed because of an abscess but there weren’t any emergencies.
I drove back under the rain on Friday, just in time for “La fête des voisins”.