Burned cars

I was up early on Friday morning, making the most of the quietness of the night. But I heard a series of loud noises in the darkness : “Bang, Bang”. I initially thought : “Gunshots ?” But we are in France, not in the US. You hear gunshots in the  autumn, during the hunting season, but not in May. I didn’t worry too much and went back to my reading.

This morning I saw this in the local paper: http://www.ledauphine.com/savoie/2015/05/08/deux-voitures-brulees. Two cars had been burned on a car park the other side from the main road, maybe 500 meters from where we live. I had walked that way in the afternoon. It is not the first time I see a burned car in Cognin since we arrived last September. It seems to happen quite regularly.

Is anyone still in doubt that this place need the gospel ?