Brittany summer team, 6th-20th July 2013

The summer mission finished a while ago now. It went well. The Lord blessed us with good weather, and a motivated team. 5 came from the UK, and they were joined by Lydie and Joseph, our pastor’s children.

We did things a bit differently this time. Instead of spending a lot of time putting leaflets in letterboxes, we were on the streets of Guingamp to try to make some contacts and talk with people. It was challenging. It’s not an exercise I am used to, but it was worthwhile. Some people were willing to talk, most weren’t though. Some people were even hostile. On man showed his middle finger to one of our team member. Another took a leaflet without a word, but immediately threw it scornfully on the floor. You could see the faces of many others close up when they saw who we were, or heard the name of Christ. French people are proud of their “freedom”. They have utterly rejected God’s sovereignty over them.

We projected the film “MOST” twice. Each time, some people attended. The children’s club was also well attended. We’re grateful for the team and all the work they’ve done. We now pray that God will work in our area, revive his church and save many.

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