A conversation with a Mason

This morning, I was in Lanvollon for the market. It’s a small town with a small market. We’ve had a few good conversations there in the past.

As I was standing with our little trolley, a man approached me. He first said he had tried to read the Bible but was never able to finish it. He added that he had to swear on the Bible when he was induced in a masonic lodge many years ago. We had an interesting chat. He was a very sad man. He was mourning the loss of his daughter and had also lost his wife. He said he was a Darwinist but seemed to be looking for hope by attending some spiritist meetings, going to see some mediums… he had also attended various occult movement and read a lot on the subject. I thought it was odd, and tried to point to him that Darwinism and believing in an afterlife were contradictory but he didn’t seem to catch what I said. We talked for a while and he left with a tract.

It was sad. He clearly was hopeless, and was aware of it.