FEU stands for “Foyer Evangélique Universitaire“. It is a student outreach. Unlike the GBUs, it is usually attached to a local church or several churches. In Chambéry, the FEU is attached to the church where I grew up and I used to attend it when I was a student here.

On Thursday night, I was invited to the FEU meeting to speak about my experience in the FEU 17 years ago, and to open the word briefly. It was great to be there. There were 14 of us. When I was a student, there were usually 2 or 3. I remember one year when there were more, but that was unusual. I talked about Isaiah 48: 1-11 and God’s purpose in everything he does, especially in salvation. The discussion that followed was interesting. It highlighted the difficulty we have as sinful human being to assign everything to God and His Glory. After the meeting we hanged around chatting and enjoying a drink. It was good to speak with a few of the students. I tried to answer their questions and show interest in their own studies and lives. It was a good time. I was grateful for the invitation.

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