French schools and health and safety, an experience

I am still laughing about it. When I went to get the children in school on Monday at lunchtime, Maxime’s teacher came out to apologize and let me know he had cut himself while preparing a crumble. There was not much to be honest, so I just smiled. What will be of interest to the British folks is that we had not been told that they would be cooking that morning.

I imagine that if we had been in the UK, we would have been asked if Maxime could take part in the cooking that morning. We would have been asked if he could taste the result of their cooking. Then, after he cut himself, I would have had a note about what had been done as a result. That’s crazy.

That’s one of the things I like about being here. There’s much less fuss on health and safety than there is in the UK. That doesn’t mean people don’t care about health and safety. They do. But they are much more relaxed about it and accept that accidents do happen. And when an accident happen, we let the insurance deal with it.