Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-07-01

  • I think we're mostly ready. As long as we don't forget: the wife, the kids, bank cards, travel documents, we should be all right. #
  • No children for lunch today. There's a sport's day at school and they have both gone with their picnic. Only little Benjamin left. #
  • Cool home, man built his own hobbit house for £3000: #
  • The builders are back. finishing a few things off and putting poles in the backyard for a fence. #
  • Je suis vraiment reconnaissant d'être entouré d'une si belle campagne #Pabu #
  • I am very grateful to be surrounded by such a beautiful countryside. #
  • Facebook has changed your default email address, did you know that? I bet you didn't. #
  • Only a few days before we leave for Wales. Today's mission, if I accept it: translate one sermon into #Welsh #
  • Got a new watch. Haven't had one for a while and it feels very heavy. #

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