That’s how our alleyway looks like this morning.
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It was good to be in Bordeaux once again to preach in the local Reformed Evangelical church. I preached twice, first in French, then in English. One of the nice things was to get specific feedback on the message, with a few people coming to chat after the service to speak about the sermon.
I was hosted once again by Christophe and Elena and their two daughters. They gave me a warm welcome and it was great to get to know them better.
I travelled back on Monday and read for most of the journey.
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When we moved house, our landlord promised he would have a small wall built in front of the house, to put a limit between the garden and the street. A few months later, someone turned up, started digging a foundation, left a mess and never came back. We didn’t hear anything about it until a couple of months ago when our landlord turned up with a builder.
Today, as I was coming back from the market, I found two men working with a mini-digger, digging a foundation for a wall.
I am off to Bordeaux again this weekend to preach in the Reformed Evangelical Church in French, and in their English service as well. For a change, I will travel down through Nantes and not Paris. I will go through Paris on the way back.
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