Today was 18th June, and veterans remembered De Gaulle’s 18th June 1940 call. I came across a group of them marching through Guingamp.
Month: June 2012
Naomi’s last Sunday
Naomi is a British Language student who chose to spend her year out serving the Lord with UFM worldwide. She spent the last 9-10 months with us in Guingamp. She will be missed by the church.
Last friday’s market: Guingamp
Last Friday’s market in Guingamp was rather uneventful for most of it. For once, it wasn’t raining. At around 11am, two gentlemen arrived on the market. they looked smart, and Emmanuel Hartiel thought he’d seen the oldest one of them before. It was a well-known local politician. he was waiting for the local candidate for today’s election. As he was waiting, he saw us and came for a chat. A typical politician, he was polite, and asked a few questions. At least, he left with information on the church and a tract that one of us handed over to him.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-17
- Sunday 17th June in Guingamp: Morning worship followed by fellowship lunch. Must not forget to vote. #
- yen eo an amzer hiziv #bzhg #
- Polygamy in the Bible: A sordid tale #
- Groupe de chant bretons kreizenn sevenadurel vrezhon Gwengamp #bzhg #
- Le groupe de chant kreizenn gwengamp #bzhg #
- Soirée au centre culturel Breton #bzhg #
- Soirée au centre culturel Breton #bzhg #
- End of year party in party in the Breton Cultural Centre tonight. #
- Fête de fin d'année au centre culturel Breton de Guingamp ce soir #bzhg #
- @alandavey five what? Pieces of cake? in reply to alandavey #
- In the library. Studious atmosphere: students are revising for their exams. #
- Warning, this video may make you feel travel sick. #
- there are lorries both in front and behind the house. I am glad for double glazing. #
- Il y a un camion devant la maison, mais aussi derrière. Heureusement qu'il y a du double vitrage #
- Some thoughts on ebooks (in French) via @slatefr #
- Had a great day in bordeaux today. Looking forward to be home tomorrow night though. #
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An evening of fun in the Breton Cultural centre
The Breton Cultural Centre organizes all sorts of activities like language lessons, dancing workshops, singing group… to promote Breton culture. Each year, an evening of Fun is organised so that each group can present their work to the others. the beginners Breton class wrote a sketch which we presented to the others. There were also singing and dancing demonstrations.
The State of Preaching, Tim Challies
This is excellent food for thought from Tim Challies on The State of Preaching. Although this is written from a North American Perspective, the same points are sadly valid in France also.