Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13

  • Back from the football tournament. It was a long afternoon, sometimes boring, but a great way to build relationships. #
  • Enjoying the afternoon at a football tournament with my 2 older boys before going away for 6 days. #
  • 12 trucs à savoir sur la jeunesse de François Hollande #
  • Trying to escape from the most boring television evening of the year. Instead of politics, we are watching Hibernatus with de Funes. #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-06

  • Should really be working on my sermon. #
  • #thevoice #
  • Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait pour mériter ça? What have I done to deserve this? #
  • If this doesn't make you laugh it will make you smile via @instagram #
  • #
  • This tweet is the 1001st #
  • Won't be watching the big debate because I know who I will vote for and for several other good reasons. #
  • Amzer mat em eus gant Jean-Baptiste dec'h da noz met n'eo ket aet ar maout gant War raok gwengamp #aeg #bzhg #
  • Extraordinaire: il ne pleut pas et il y a du soleil. #
  • Hey, it's not raining and the sun is out. #
  • Heavenly Worldliness: Welsh Rugby and Popes #
  • #
  • #
  • Losing count of lost opportunities to score. #eag 0 le mans 1 #
  • #
  • Looking good, it is sunny and we are almost at pitch level but high enough to see something #eag #
  • BBC News – Being bilingual 'boosts brain power' #
  • Football evening with Jean-baptiste:: En Avant Guingamp meets Le mans #EAG #
  • Fenoz e in da an mell-droad gant Jean-Baptiste. War raok Gwengamp. #EAG #bzhg #
  • Today is labour day, a bank holiday here. I am celebrating it by working in the study and leading a Bible study later #1mai #

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The Voice

French people have got a funny relationship with their language. They give t almost a godlike status. There are laws regulating it. If you make a slight mistake people will usually let you know, which can be very discouraging for learners. Yet, the latest reality TV show has got an English title: the Voice. Why didn’t they choose: “la voix”?