Family reunion

My brother turned 30 in December and we celebrated his birthday today. Most of the larger family came to my mum’s house to join us: cousins, uncles and aunts. There were 23 adults and 11 children between the ages of 6 months and 10-11.

The family regularly gets together, but since we leave far away, we hardly ever get to see them. It was good to see everyone, although there were too many to really be able to catch up with everyone.

We had a very traditional French lunch: aperitif, starter, main dish, cheese, pudding and coffee. We started with the aperitif at around 12 and left the table at about 16:30. Most people had left by 17:30. My brother and sister are staying overnight with their families, as well as a cousin with his son. It’ll be nice to have a relaxed day together to chat and for the children to play together.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08

  • XIXe siècle. Des missionnaires gallois en Bretagne – Le temple protestant de Lesconil, en pays bigouden Au… #
  • Une Eglise qui ne comprend pas l'Ancien Testament ni la théologie biblique est une Eglise qui comprend difficilement l'Evangile. Goldsworthy #
  • plijout a ran din deskiñ ar brezhoneg #bzhg #

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Greetings from the Alps

We are staying near Chambéry, in my mum’s house. That’s where I was brought up. We left Guingamp at 4am this morning and drove 1000 km in about 11 hours. There was traffic, but not as much as I expected. I drove all the way with a few breaks, and I am shattered.

There is a big family gathering tomorrow to celebrate my brother’s 30th Birthday. There will be 30 people: uncles and aunts and cousins.

Next week, I will be going to the “Colloque Biblique Francophone” while the family stays here.