Do you own an ebook reader?

I’ve been wondering whether I should get a kindle for a while.

I love books. I love touching them, I love flickering through them. When I was growing up, I would spend hours in my grandparents attic, looking at the books that were stored there, hundreds of old, dusty books.

I think a house without books is a very sad place. When I go into a house, one of the first thing I notice is the books (if you invite me, make sure there are a few good books laying around). I like reading also.

I remember going into the flat of a member of the Lausanne Reformed Baptist church. There were books everywhere. every wall was covered in books, there were some on the floors and on most surfaces. I think the bathroom was the only place without any books. It was wonderful.

But books tend to take a lot of space, and I can’t get around getting rid of them. They are also very heavy when you move house. So, the question is: should I get an ebook reader (probably kindle)?

Do you own one? If yes, what do you think?

How is Judges relevant to us?

The following quote are the closing paragraphs of Daniel I. Block’s [amazon_link id=”B004T0AB3S” target=”_blank” locale=”UK” container=”” container_class=”” ]commentary on Judges (New American Commentary, B&H publishing[/amazon_link]). I use it for a series of Bible studies, alongside [amazon_link id=”1845501381″ target=”_blank” locale=”UK” container=”” container_class=”” ]Ralph Davis’ commentary.[/amazon_link] Daniel I Block’s commentary is  brilliant, full of contemporary applications and theological insight. It is written in an American context, but I think it applies to both British and French context.

Human heroes in the Book of Judges are few and far between. Continue reading “How is Judges relevant to us?”

On the market in Rostrenen

It was a good morning in Rostrenen. I went there with Naomi and Lydie and we were joined by Christiane, one of our members who live there. Soon after setting up, a man walked passed us, said hello and turned back to talk with us. he is a practicing Roman Catholic and was glad to see the Bible advertised in Rostrenen. I left a leaflet about the church with him, and he was happy to hear there’s a monthly Bible study in the town.

We also talked with an English couple who live in the area, Continue reading “On the market in Rostrenen”