It was worth waiting in the cold

This morning, I visited the market in Lanvollon. It is a small town, about 20 minutes drive from us, with a small weekly market. I was on my own, with our small stand. I arrived at 10 am and stayed until about 11:20.

It was cold. There weren’t many people around. Most people walked passed me looking down and avoiding eye contact. A few others said hello.

I didn’t get to speak to anyone until the lady from the oyster stand next to me walked passed on her way to get herself a coffee. She stopped and we had a little chat.She was very enthusiastic about reading the Bible and had never read it. I offered her one, but the print was too small. She said she’d come back after her coffee to check if she could read it with her glasses.

She went back to her stand but I had to leave, so I stooped by her stand and asked if she was still interested. She was. She got her glasses and had a look. She could see the characters. So I left a Bible and a tract with her. She seemed excited at the idea of reading it. Let’s now pray that the seed of the Word will fall on good ground.

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