A quiet Christmas day

Christmas day was fairly quiet. The children got up early, but not too early. They opened some of their presents before we went to church, and we convinced them to keep some to open after the service. The service was good. I had kept it fairly simple so that it didn’t last too long for people to go back to their families. Somehow, about 20 people turned up, which is great considering it was Christmas morning. About half of the people were visitors who had come to see their families.

Lunch was straightforward. We had some salad with prawns as a starter, followed by “Confit de canard”, with small potatoes and broad beans. All this was served with a lovely burgundy wine. We weren’t hungry enough to have cheese, so we had a break before having Christmas pudding for the parents and Jelly for the kids.

In the afternoon, we relaxed. Dad helped Jean-Baptiste build up his Playmobil Police station, and Maxime’s Duplo farm. We watched Cars 2 which we’d received as a present. In the evening, we had some nems with green salad. We were all fairly tired and had an early night.

It was a blessed day.

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