The heart of the matter is who Jesus is

When we visited the market last Friday, I talked with a guy who had had a chat with the JW’s the same morning. I’ve met the guy before and had some friendly chats, but nothing deep. I had seen him chatting with the JW’s the same morning and started the conversation on that subject. He hinted that we were all taught the same. Off course this made me jump. After talking about various things for a while, I came back to that subject. And told him frankly that the JW’s didn’t really teach the same things we did. The heart of the matter I told him is who Jesus is. Their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.

Isn’t that the heart of the matter? Isn’t that what makes the difference between true christianity and any other religion: who is Jesus Christ? That will be the main thrust of Sunday’s sermon on John 12:12-19: who is Jesus for you? There is only one right answer.