We need a God who makes moral judgments. if He loves everyone in exactly the same way, what does His love really mean, and what does it mean to be loved by God? Our universe would  make no sense and the pain of injustice would be even greater if we did not have a God who recognizes right from wrong and judges the wicked. Be glad, though: Just as we love justice, so does God.
DeYoung, The Good News We Almost Forgot.
Month: September 2011
La Petite Ecole de Cardiff/ Cardiff’s French School
Good to see how the monthly Parents and toddlers we used to attend in Cardiff has evolved. Follow the link:Â Bienvenue | La Petite Ecole de Cardiff.
Visiting preacher
We had a visiting preacher yesterday. The Rev Roger Fay from Zion Evangelical Baptist Church in Ripon, North Yorkshire. He preached in English and I translated it into French. His sermon, on Luke 23:39-43 is well worth listening to and is both in English and French so everyone can benefit. You can listen to it here.
Are we taking the gospel for granted? Assumed Evangelicalism
I think we do, and unless we make the conscious and deliberate step to go back to the gospel explicitly, we will soon be facing some problems (which are already appearing it seems. Read this article on the subject: Assumed evangelicalism, some reflections en route to denying the gospel. It had been sitting on my reading pile for a few years and I read it at last Saturday evening.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-11
- First football practice for Jean-Baptiste. Premier entrainement de foot pour Jean-Baptiste. #
- Pour ceux qui comme moi apprécient le rugby mais ont besoin d'être éduqués sur les subtilités du jeu http://t.co/aEoEhTo #
- Interesting link on the lifespan of a link shared on social medias http://t.co/tRNoex1 #
- Thanks to @challies for posting the following video on his blog http://t.co/mXnxxRi worth watching #
- C'est la rentrée, reprise du footing. 5km. Pas trop dur. #
- La rentrée went well. Maxime freaked out when the teacher said hello to him, but that was expected. #
- Back to school today. First time for Maxime in nursery, and Jean-Baptiste starts primary school (CP). #
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We had a lovely time on Friday evening with Naomi and her parents. Naomi will be working with the church this year. Her dad is a minister in North Yorkshire, he is also involved with Evangelical press in the UK. It was good to meet him and his wife. They are in Guingamp for the weekend and he will be preaching with us on Sunday.