A cross cultural experience: the pheasant (caution, graphic images)

The dad of one of the girls in Jean-Baptiste’s class goes hunting. The hunting season opened on Sunday, and on Tuesday, his wife brought us a pigeon and a pheasant (their children don’t like game, so they tend to give away everything he catches). She cleaned and plucked the pigeon for Esther and left us with the pheasant to prepare. I was in a Bible study when she came. We feel very privileged to have received this gift.

Now, that’s a whole new experience to me. I never thought I would have to clean and pluck a freshly killed wild bird. Having watched the butchers do that when I worked in a French supermarket, I had an idea of what to do. But I phoned my dad to check with him how to do it. It was easy enough. So, Esther plucked the bird and I emptied it. It is now cooking and we are looking forward to taste it later today. Esther cooked the pigeon in a soup last night and we will taste it today also. I am including a few pictures below. if you are sensitive, look away.