BBC Sport – Rugby World Cup 2011: Devout Euan Murray questions Sunday matches

Scotish Rugby player said a few years ago:

“It’s basically all or nothing, following Jesus. I don’t believe in pick ‘n’ mix Christianity. I believe the Bible is the word of God, so who am I to ignore something from it?

“I might as well tear out that page then keep tearing out pages as and when it suits me. If I started out like that there would soon be nothing left.

“I want to live my life believing and doing the things (God) wants and the Sabbath day is a full day.

“It’s not a case of a couple of hours in church then playing rugby or going down the pub, it’s the full day.”

As a result of his convictions, he won’t be playing in the rugby world cup game this Sunday. Amen. At last a Christian man with convictions.

Read the full article on the BBC website: BBC Sport – Rugby World Cup 2011: Devout Euan Murray questions Sunday matches.

First Breton Lesson

My first Breton lesson was on Monday night. I had at first hesitated between learning Breton or starting rock climbing again. My friend Alan convinced me that I should live dangerously and get started on the Breton.

Well, that was an experience… There were quite a lot of people (12-15 I think), but I expect some will drop out in the coming weeks. It was very unstructured and difficult to follow, but we managed to learn to count up to 30, and the teacher got started on telling the time. Some in the group have already done some Breton, so there are different levels in the class, which won’t help. Anyway, I’ll give it a try. It might require some extra work on my own, but once I understand how things work, it should ve fine. I’ve been told there are similarities with Welsh, which will help.