- First football practice for Jean-Baptiste. Premier entrainement de foot pour Jean-Baptiste. #
- Pour ceux qui comme moi apprécient le rugby mais ont besoin d'être éduqués sur les subtilités du jeu http://t.co/aEoEhTo #
- Interesting link on the lifespan of a link shared on social medias http://t.co/tRNoex1 #
- Thanks to @challies for posting the following video on his blog http://t.co/mXnxxRi worth watching #
- C'est la rentrée, reprise du footing. 5km. Pas trop dur. #
- La rentrée went well. Maxime freaked out when the teacher said hello to him, but that was expected. #
- Back to school today. First time for Maxime in nursery, and Jean-Baptiste starts primary school (CP). #
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