Packing up

Packing is almost done. Need to sort out the desk now. Got a few calls to make to arrange hospitality for next week. I’ll arrive in Stansted at around 6:20pm. Then It’ll be about 1h30 on the train and tube to Finchley. I am preaching in Wilton community church in the morning, and Childs Hill Baptist church in the evening.

I’ll try to keep the blog up to date when I get a chance to have Internet access. I can tweet on the mobile phone, so you can also follow keloumat on Twitter.

School carnival

Today was the school carnival. We had a beautiful sunshine, and a lot of fun. There was all sorts of costumes. There were several superheroes, footballers, princesses, cowboys… But only one rastafari. I only saw one policeman, but there could have been more. We went back to the school after wandering through the streets. We had crepes and fruit juices with the children. In Brittany, you have crepes all the time. If you are ever considering moving here, you’ll have to learn to like them.