Deputation, day 13 — UFM Scottish Conference

It is almost the end of this deputation trip, and I am looking forward to go home. One more speaking engagement, Sunday Night in Kilmacolm, near Glasgow, before flying home on Monday.

It has been a great day in Pitlochry. The sun was shining, and it was quite mild. A lot of people came up for the day, and there was a genuine interest in the work of the mission. Most of these visitors have been long term supporters of the work of UFM. There were a few former missionaries as well. Bryn Jones, a UFM council member and former missionary to Brazil spoke well. He talked about the privileges of the Christian life, from Romans 8. He will speak one more time tomorrow morning.

in the afternoon, Iain took me on a quick trip in the car to show me the area. Pitlochry is on the border with the Cairgorm National Park. It is a beautiful area, especially when the sun is shinning. Now for a quick cuppa before heading for bed.

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