Month: March 2011
The “Eglise Réformée Evangélique” in Nantes
Last Sunday, I was invited to preach in the Reformed Evangelical Church in Nantes. I have known their Pastor for a few years now, and he had invited me to speak at the service celebrating 20 years in their premises.
It was my first visit to Nantes, and it was good to be there. Malcolm and Muriel are Irish and have been in France for over 20 years, learning French in Paris first, and then planting the church in Nantes. It was good to get to know them better and to share some thoughts on the state of the Evangelical church in France. We watched the rugby, and I was glad for Italy who beat France, but sad for Ireland who lost against Wales (although I do support Wales).
The service went well, although I wished I had been better prepared. But I need to trust God that He will work in spite of this. The church had invited many contacts, and some had responded to the invitation. A few people were attending a service there for the first time.
After the service, drinks were served, and we stayed for a while, chatting away with various people. I had lunch with my friends, and took a train back in the afternoon.
Weekend summary
It was a good and busy weekend. I’ll post more details and some pictures later in the day. In the meantime, here is a summary:
- I travelled to Nantes on Saturday to preach in the local Reformed Evangelical church there on Sunday.
- I travelled back on Sunday afternoon, and got stuck for a while in Rennes. An accident in Laval had stopped all the trains. I managed to find one and got home around 9pm, only 1 hour and 1/2 late.
- I was in Brest on Monday for the all Brittany ministers’ fellowship. It was my first time there, and it was good to meet some new people.
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-13
- Celebrating 20 years in the building of the reformed evangelical church in Nantes. #
- @asober I am actually glad they did. Better to lose against Italy than England 🙂 in reply to asober #
- @asober Italy wins. Well done. #
- 10 minutes to go. Italy is winning. #
- Arriving in Nantes. Train is early. #
- On board the train to Nantes. Leaving on 15 minutes. #
- @alandavey we want live updates. in reply to alandavey #
- Now to sermon prep. Need proposition, outline and introduction before the prayer meeting tonight. #
- More expenses: buying a lawnmower #
- Frost on the car this morning #
- Le dessert aujourd'hui: mousse au chocolat blanc. Délicieux. #
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Off to Nantes
I am off to Nantes this morning, to preach in the Eglise Réformée Evangélique there. They are celebrating 20 years in their building tomorrow. It is rather intimidating, but I am looking forward to it.
I am excited at the prospect of travelling on the train. It takes about 3 hours. I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon so that I can attend the Brittany ministers’ fellowship in Brest.
After cutting the grass